
Morning Oats

During the week, I like to keep things nice and simple. That means my mornings need to be efficient because let’s face it, I like to get every little wink of sleep that I can get! I will prepare my overnight oats for 3 days which makes for a great grab and go in the morning. Usually around 10:00am every weekday, you will likely find me at my desk or in the classroom chowing down on these overnight oats. This has been my go-to for years and for good reason! They are easy and super delicious. A bonus is that oats are good for your heart, they control your blood sugar and are rich in magnesium.

The good thing about oatmeal is that you can play around with tons of toppings. The list is really endless: berries, nuts, flax seed, chia seeds, hemp hearts, coconut, cinnamon, or fruit. I get my rolled oats, which are both organic and Canadian (bonus!) from Highwood Crossing. You can check them out here:

So, if you are looking for a quick, healthy and speedy breakfast…this might be just for you!



Morning Oats

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Serves: 1
Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cooking Time: 45 Seconds

Quick and easy overnight oats recipe! Play around with it as I usually just throw ingredients into a small bowl!


  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup - Rolled or Steel Cut Oats
  • 1/4 cup - Frozen or fresh fruit (I usually have blueberries or raspberries)
  • 1-2 tbsp - Chia Seeds or Hemp Hearts
  • Almond Milk
  • *Instead of almond milk, you can substitute water or regular milk



Combine all dry ingredients, fruit and toppings together in bowl.


Add just enough milk or water to reach the top of the oats but not cover them.


Stir until combined.


Leave in refrigerator overnight or they can be made the same morning (I have done both).


You can eat them cold however, I like to warm mine up in the microwave for about 30-45 seconds.

My Life

2020 ~ And I’m BACK!

It feels like forever since I have posted on the blog (Oh wait! It has been!), but for good reason as we are currently developing our lower level and that meant movement of rooms throughout the house! It’s been a long time coming but we finally have an office upstairs with some window light! Before, I would be working away in the cold, dark, gloomy basement and now I’m in a beautiful space! The last month has really been a blur with Christmas, New Year’s and now I’m getting back into some routine and normalcy. We are currently in the middle of a cold winter deep freeze and all I want to do is HIBERNATE!

Well, it’s a new year with new reflections and perhaps come new goals. Twice a year I get this feeling of recharge and renewal to get organized, set some small goals (well, let’s be serious…the intentions of making good decisions) and purge!!! The beginning of January and the beginning of September are my go-to dates. There is something about the end of summer and beginning of school that makes me feel energized. I’m sure I’m not the only one! It’s my opportunity to clean out some closets, purge and donate items no longer used and get my agenda up to date so that I can tackle the next couple of months like a bad ass!

Although I don’t really set any resolutions, I do have positive intentions to drink more water and get more active. I joined a couple of dance classes to get out of the house, improve my posture and MOVE MY BODY! I have been super neglectful on the exercise front as of late, so this was a perfect time for me to get back on track….like a million other people do! I had my first class last night and it was crazy fun!

So, cheers to you this Happy 2020 year and I hope the first couple of weeks have been good to you! I have some ideas already brewing for some good blog posts so stay tuned!


My Life

Sparkly Heart

During the wee hours of December 1st, 2019 our little Christmas elf named Sparkly Heart descended into our home. Only this year, it was a little bit different than her normal shenanigans that happened on a nightly basis every December. Typically, she would toilet paper our Christmas tree, dangle from a chandelier or paint silly faces on our family portraits through out the home but this year, she came with a very special gift. Herself!

Sparkly heart arrived with a letter explaining that they made the ‘MANGER’ (Mostly Always Nice, Giving Everyone Respect) list and that means that Sparkly Heart will no longer need to return to the North Pole every night, instead she gets to stay with us! Now that Sparkly Heart lives with us full time, the head elf has given permission to the kids that they are allowed to touch her as this was a big no-no in the past.

She now sits perched on our Christmas tree and we know she still keeps an eye on all of us, making sure we are always doing our best and being grateful for all that we have. She has given us many laughs and provided many hours of entertainment as we searched for her every morning!

Happy Holidays!



WineWednesday – Bonacchi Badesco Sangiovese

Nothing better than having unexpected company drop by on a quiet Sunday afternoon to catch up, chill out and laugh….especially when that one glass of wine turns out to be enjoying the whole bottle! I picked up this bottle because I love Italian wines and the price couldn’t be better. I think I picked it up on sale for around $15 while regularly it is $21. What a delicious wine…must have been good to polish it off on a Sunday afternoon. Now, don’t be judgy, I was being a good host and I shared every drop!

We came up with some pretty good phrases when describing the wine that makes me sound like a smart wine connoisseur….but let’s be honest, it was probably the wine talking! Words like good legs, strong tannins and leathery came out. You can only imagine where the conversation went after that. Ha!

Overall, this one was great. Berry undertones, rich and dry. Perfect to pair with beef, poultry or cured meat.



My Life/ Recipes

Christmas Simmer

This post originated while having a discussion with a friend about scented candles and how they give people headaches or even worse, cause asthma strain when burned in the home. Last month, I came home with some delicious smelling candles however the perfumes in them had made my son’s chest tight (he has asthma). I had tested the theory a few times to make sure it was the candles…unfortunately, the candles had to go. I found that soy based candles worked best with natural scent however they were incredibly expensive!! My friend had suggested a pot simmer with different ingredients to make your home smell wonderful and WOW, I loved the results.

I threw all of the ingredients in a pot and let simmer for the day and our home smelled absolutely amazing! It definitely got better the longer is simmered. It took me 5 minutes to throw together! I have read that simmering in a slow cooker is a great idea as well so I will have to try it in my mini slow cooker.

Happy Holidays!


Christmas Simmer

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Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Combine all of the ingredients to simmer in a pot for the day to create the most Ah-Mazing Christmas scent for your home!


  • 1 Orange - Sliced
  • 1 Tbsp - Cloves
  • 2 Tsp - Nutmeg
  • 1 Tsp - Rosemary or 1 Sprig of Rosemary
  • 1 Cup - Cranberries
  • 3 - Cinnamon Sticks
  • 3 Cups - Water



Combine all ingredients in a pot or slow cooker and let simmer for the day. *Do not leave unattended* Add water as needed.

Friends of Sweet Thyme

Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange

You know it’s getting close to the Holiday Season when Kristen’s Annual Cookie Exchange pops up in the calendar! It’s that time that I feel it’s perfectly acceptable to put up the Christmas tree and all of the trimmings around the house, much to my husbands dismay. Although it is a lot of work to bake 8 dozen cookies, it’s completely worth it in the end as we get crazy, delicious treats back in return like Neapolitan Squares, Cranberry Bliss Bars, Sugar Cookies, Skor Mini Cheesecakes, Shortbread and so much more! And guess what? Now I have treats to last throughout the whole month of December and it’s still NOVEMBER! Mom…Win.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 10 years that the same group of ladies have gathered to exchange cookies, wine and yummy treats as we catch up in each other’s incredibly busy lives. It is such an honour to spend time with each of these ladies and here’s hoping for 20 more years to keep this tradition going!

I have tried a few different cookie recipes for the cookie exchange however the Root Beer Cookies seem to be a hit with all the kid’s so that is my go-to. This year, I changed up the recipe and used a sugar cookie base with root beer extract and my kiddo’s said they were WAY better MOM! So, I will do another post on these cookies. Some might think this version might be too sweet but really, too sweet? ha ha ha…what does that even mean?!

Let’s welcome the Holiday Season with open arms and start celebrating twinkle lights and yummy treats!

Lots of Love,


About Me/ My Life

Keeping It Together…

We live in this crazy, crazy busy world and being a working Mom of two, I have to β€˜try’ and keep it together. I’m not perfect, I sometimes can’t keep it together, but I do try! Thank goodness for wine! 

My day job allows me to help coach and guide people on their journey to self awareness and resiliency; my work is so rewarding, however there are times when I don’t even practice what I preach and that is okay. I allow myself loose every once in a while because I know that as long as I’m mindful of my actions and I focus on becoming better everyday, I will be better.  After all, all we can do in this life is just try. Try to make things easier, lighter, and funnier but challenging and rewarding all at the same time. We all have these stresses or tests in our life that come when we sometimes least expect it and that’s why it’s so important to take care of ourselves and be prepared when these β€˜tests’ show up at our front door.

I honestly came to the realization quite a few years ago, that it really takes a village to support ourselves and we need to rely on one another for support, we are humans after all and human’s inherently crave interaction with others  so we might as well give into our instincts! Whether it’s work, children, family or our current global environment, we need each other. We also need to take time for ourselves and make sure that we put that oxygen mask on ourselves so we can be there for our family and friends when they need it too. It’s really a give and take.

Taking care of ourselves….ahhh, it’s much more than just taking bubble baths, but they certainly help! Here are a few things that I do to help make my life a bit more sane:

  1. Friends and Family – Spending time with those I cherish is incredibly important so game night, birthday functions, dinners or having down time with the family is what I love to keep it together. We are naturally social creatures and we cannot thrive alone, we have to rely on our social connections to get through whatever is on our mind. I recently heard that someone didn’t want to burden me with their problems however I find it an honour when someone comes to me to express their concerns or fears. Wouldn’t you? It is a two-way street and we need to invest in these connections. It’s important to stay non-judgmental, kind and loving to all of our connections so they can stay healthy and grow. With that, it’s important to go to the right people and someone very wise taught me that going to the right people will help me move forward and not to ruminate in how I feel (even though it feels good to do this sometimes! ha!)
  2. Quiet Time – This can be hard in our busy lives but I can always carve out at least 10 minutes a day to find the quiet. When I have extra time, my go-to quiet time is soaking in the tub with a good book and of course, a glass of red!
  3. Wine – There is nothing better than coming home after a hectic day and sharing a drink with the hubs or with some friends. Just to talk about the day, the activities for the night or the challenges around us. What really is happening though is communication which is so vitally important in our world of technology and hustle. There is something so relaxing to just sit down and enjoy each other’s company over a glass of red so we can celebrate the day or get our struggles off our chest. Also, almost all of my closest friends share the passion of red wine and it truly brings us together. Charcuterie board anyone?!
  4. Taking a Breath – Anytime anyone says or does something that really gets under my skin, I take a breath. This helps me rationalize what I’m about to say by asking…is this helpful, constructive or this hurtful? I β€˜try’ to not be hurtful, but I know there are moments where I am…as I said before, we are human and we make mistakes and that is OKAY, which brings me to my next point:
  5. Giving Grace – Not only do I try to give people grace, it’s important to give myself grace as well. I make mistakes, I’m not perfect and even everything I wrote in this post isn’t 100% of the time, but I try. However with grace, I feel there is a line and we can only give so much.Β  It’s been my practice to give grace at first and maybe a few more times…but then after that, there are some boundaries I will set to protect my mental well-being.Β  Authenticity is one of my values and I typically try to keep only authentic souls around me…being real and honest is incredibly important to me!
  6. Side Hustle (paid or not!) – My therapy is in the kitchen or thinking of a project to work on (I have, painted, gardened, crafted and I’m trying to do exercise more, key word here is ‘trying’!).Β  I cannot just sit still; it’s not in my blood.Β  I need to keep going and keep focused especially during stressful times.Β  I remember when I closed my photography business and really didn’t know how to cope with all of the additional time.Β  What do you mean; I can go to bed at 10pm vs. 2am?Β  I really struggled and couldn’t bring myself to get in the kitchen or really do anything, so I ended up seeing a therapist. I just couldn’t cope sitting on the couch doing nothing….you know what she did?Β  She held me accountable to get my butt in the kitchen, make a few small goals and it worked.Β  Best money I ever spent! Ha ha!Β  I often tell people that everyone needs a therapist in life; it really should be assigned at birth!
  7. Last, but not least and certainly just as important as the others is a fun acronym: QTIP – Quit Taking It Personally! – Now, this might have been the best thing that I have ever learned! EVER! It’s letting go of past wrongs or perceptions that we may have on any situation going on around us or happening to us. Though it’s in many people’s nature to fix things or to try to fix others… it’s important to know that we can only QTIP ourselves…not other people! Even though you know you want to! We might not be able to control what’s happening, but we certainly can control how we react to whatever it is… I’ve also learned something that is inevitable; not everyone is going to like me or perhaps they may think that I’m crazy, stuck up or a perfectionist but guess what? I can choose to let it bother me and cause me stress or I can choose not to! Other people’s perception of me is just that – their perception – so it doesn’t matter to me because they probably don’t really know the real me anyways. I know the truth in my heart so there is probably a reason we aren’t besties. I QTIP it and leave it be. No sense dwelling over it. Their loss! ha ha! Hard to do this sometimes and it can get personal for me but I kindly remind myself that I can’t control anyone’s feeling or actions, so I let it go.Β  I will push my energy to those who appreciate it!

This was A LOT more than I thought I was going to write and quite frankly, if you are still reading this, you deserve a gold star!  Life is tough and these are a few things that have helped me and I’m not naive to think that this will work for everyone else because we are all so different and cope differently.  Maybe I have inspired you, maybe you have learned something or maybe I just annoyed the heck out of you! Whatever it is, take care of yourself and those around you….take it easy and I’m sending love to you!



Lily’s Birthday – Salted Caramel Cupcakes

When the kids were born, so many people told me how quickly they would grow and how fast time would fly…they weren’t kidding! I literally had a breakdown this past Halloween because thoughts about it made me so sad! I woke up thinking…gone are the days that they could barely sleep with excitement because they couldn’t wait to wear their ‘way too expensive’ costumes to school. I was able to get a few photos of them last week, but just barely so I am now preparing myself for next year. Now, to follow it up with Lily’s birthday…seriously?! My kids are pre-teens now and I’m looking for that inner strength to celebrate them growing up!

My sister-in-law and niece are amazing bakers and never disappoint when it’s dessert time with the family. Recently, they baked these Salted Caramel Cupcakes and Lily had requested to have these for her birthday this year. These cupcakes are NO JOKE!!! Although I made a double batch, they took me over 3 hours to make! Might have been quicker if I had an extra cupcake pan and enough brown sugar so I didn’t have to run to the store. πŸ™‚ They are pretty decadent and rich…perfect with a glass of red and it’s probably not a shocker that I’m already thinking of what to pair it with! Ha Ha!

This recipe was found on Pinterest, thanks to ‘Baker by Nature‘ for this amazing recipe! Make sure to go check out her site!


Halloween Spider Sugar Cookies

I couldn’t resist trying this cute cookie recipe when I found it on the Wilton Website, how cute are they?! And so incredibly easy too! The sugar cookie recipe that I have isn’t blog worthy (waaay too much flour taste for my liking!) so you will have to use your own sugar recipe and then add the flair afterwards. Perhaps you might want to share it with me if you have one? Tee Hee! My sister-in-law and I were just talking this past weekend that we couldn’t find a recipe that was just right. Maybe I just have to spend some time figuring it out, but I’m a Mom of two and really who has time for that?! I was fortunate enough to enlist the kids to help make these little critters which made it much for fun and took less time. Score!

All you have to do to create these cookies is to get the Wilton candy melts in whatever colour you want and once the cookies are about a minute from being fully cooked, pull them out to place a candy melt in the centre and throw them back in the over for a minute or two until cookies are fully cooked. Then, as soon as they come out of the oven, place the candy eyes in the middle of the candy melt. Then, in a microwave safe measuring cup, melt some additional candy melts in the microwave and then place in a piping bag to make the spider legs. Easy peasy!

Even though I didn’t think the cookie was that great….our kids LOVED them! That will work for me! Until next time…Enjoy!

My Life

For The Love of Recipes….

If you read my intro to the blog, you know that I looooove to read cookbooks and get inspired by all the talented bakers, chefs and cooks out there. I’m a pretty visual person so love to look at Pinterest and magazines as well! In my coffee table, you will find various books that either myself or a family member has picked out, magazines or my iPad because nothing is better than snuggling on the couch on a Sunday morning with a piping hot coffee planning what I am going to make in the next week. As I started really getting into this blog, I couldn’t forget about all of the recipes that were shared with me over the years from my Mother, the kid’s day-home Mom (she seriously was their second mom and I couldn’t do it without her, perhaps I need to do a post about how it takes a village to raise the children!) and other special people in my life.

One of my favourite things to do is visit our public library to pick out cookbooks that I normally wouldn’t pick out or ones that look visually appealing. My kids have recently picked out an ice cream book for me to look at…challenge accepted! I have never made ice cream before, but there is always a first for everything.

Here are a few of the recipe books on my bookshelf that I love:

  • Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets To Get Your Kids Eating Good Food: Jessica Seinfeld – Still to this day, I puree or use the processor to finely chop tons of vegetables to sneak into our meals. Whether it’s sweet potato, zucchini or cauliflower the kids sometimes don’t even know they are eating it! This book was so helpful when the kiddo’s were toddlers and it provides some great ideas to incorporate more healthy foods into their diet. I have just recently handed this book down to a friend who is expecting and hope she get’s good use out of it!
  • Fraiche Food, Full Hearts: A Collection of Recipes for Everyday and Casual Celebrations – Alright folks, I am guilty of being influenced by an influencer! I started following Jillian Harris and Tori Wesszer a few years ago and they are so delightful. I feel like it’s because they are real and share so much love with the world so you could imagine how excited I was when I heard they were coming out with a cookbook! If you haven’t followed them yet, you definitely should…so many ideas and inspirations! The photography in this cookbook is absolutely gorgeous and this really resonated with me. Although I am not vegan or vegetarian (this book is plant based), there are some pretty amazing recipes in this one. Check it out next time you are in the bookstore!
  • Life’s on Fire: Cooking for the Rushed by Sandi Richard – Seriously, if you have a busy family like I do (with small kids) then you should definitely check out this book. It is colour coded for the time frames you have available, so if you have 30 minutes, then pick recipes from the red or yellow category! So creative! Also, I think this author had me hooked when she said, ‘Your kitchen is not a restaurant!’ You speak my language Sandi! The kids love the Tangy Meatball recipe!
  • Earls: The Cookbook – Eat a Little. Eat a Lot by Jim Sutherland – I remember spending a weekend in Banff, Alberta and had a couple hours to myself and of course, I found the nearest bookstore. Although I don’t go to Earl’s often for dinner (what’s dinner at a restaurant really like anyways??!), I remember LOVING their Hunan Kung Pao dish and was shocked to see the recipe right before my eyes! SOLD! Also, I do love their house salad and the recipe for their dressing was in there as well. So delicious!

Alright, this is it for now! I will be sure to continue any other awesome cookbooks that cross my path! Happy reading!